Need a freelance photographer for a photo shoot in Anna Maria?
The professional photographers at Flamingo Photographers specialize in portraits, family photography, newborn & kids, events & parties, sports and holiday occasions in Sarasota & throughout professional-photographer-anna maria-fl.
Offering unrivaled photography services throughout Sarasota, Flamingo Photographers stands out as the premier choice for both on-location and studio photo shoots in Anna Maria. We have become the go-to local resource for Anna Maria families, couples, seniors, and local businesses seeking to capture unforgettable images and memories that will last for years to come.
Our photographers in Anna Maria will help you pick the best location (or locations!) to stage your photoshoot. You'll find that the Sarasota area offers both well-known & less popular locations that are great for senior photos, family portraits, headshots, maternity & newborn photos, and of course, engagement photos!
It is very satisfying as a Anna Maria photographer to be your partner in capturing memories for the future.
Our Anna Maria Photographers

We're proud to offer extremely competitive rates for photo shoots & Anna Maria photographers for various types of photo shoots & photography. Costs for our Anna Maria photo shoots are based on a number of factors, including our experience, the cost of high-quality equipment, the type of photo shoot, the amount of expected editing, and the length of the shoot.
Please note we also offer Anna Maria photography packages and Anna Maria photographer packages that often include discounted Anna Maria photo shoot pricing built in!